Group Volunteer Application

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Benton and Franklin Counties! Upon completing this form, our Volunteer Director will contact you within two weeks to discuss potential volunteer opportunities. *All personal information will be kept confidential.

  • Please check all that apply
  • By typing your name below, you are agreeing to our Volunteer Agreement:

    - No child is permitted to leave the Club with a volunteer.

    - Inappropriate language or physical contact with a member is unacceptable and will result in immediate dismissal.

    - Any discipline issues must be handled by a staff member. Any and all issues, regardless of severity, must be reported to the volunteer’s immediate supervisor before the day’s end.

    - No activities can be conducted outside the Club (e.g., transporting members, overnight trips, field trips, etc.).

    - I agree to remain within the scope of the job description and/or assigned duties.

    - I agree to complete a volunteer orientation.

    - I agree to support the Club staff and Board of Directors as they create and define the vision for the organization.